Thursday, December 06, 2007

Recording your acoustic guitar

Recording acoustic guitar is not easy as electric guitar. There are two way to record, using mic and pick up. We can record both of the way, and we can mix them up to get the full frequency spectrum.
The first is replace your old string with the new one. It's important because the old string may out of tune, not so clear as the new one. Tune your guitar properly and you ready to record.
As I mention above there are two way to record acoustic guitar, using mic and pick up. We'll discuss record using mic first.

Select your best microphone
This way also have two technique, mono(one mic) or stereo(two or more mic) way. Which one better? It's up to you according the mic resource you have. Next Question is, dynamic or condenser microphone we should use? According to those mic chracteristic we recommend the condenser one which is have much more high frequency response and better transient response. A RODE NT1 is an example of a good condenser mic.

Mic placement
If you just have 1 microphone place the mic toward the 12th fret about 5 inches. We can add 1 more mic for stereo system and direct it toward the sound hole to get more frequency response. This placement is not exact, you may vary the position and listen the result. Get the combination as you want

Record using Acoustic Pick Up
If you had the pick up installed at your gear dont't waste it when you record your guitar. Use it and you can mixed up with the result of mic recording. It can yield more detailed sound.

Just remember, each situation may different. You can combine the system above to get the sound you want. Don't be affraid to experiment.

Get a better sound....


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